Fees (from April 24)
Normal Rates
The nursery hours are strictly 7:30am - 5.30pm, if the nursery is used after 5.30pm there will be a charge of £5.00 per minute.
We are open Monday to Friday, but close for one week during the Christmas and New Year period and also on English bank holidays.
Full time and part time places are available. Sessions are also available (only for 3-4 year olds); 9:30am – 12:30pm, 1:00pm – 4:00pm or 9:30am - 3:30pm.
We offer 30 hours funding for children who attend throughout the whole year (this means they attend both in and out of term time) and are eligible.
Information regarding 30 hours funding, how to check eligibility, and how to receive your 30 hour funding code, can be found via the childcare funding page on the Suffolk Government website.
The 15 hours funding for children aged 9 months+ are available to all children whose parents meet the working parents criteria. For more information and to find out when your child is eligible please visit the childcare funding page on the Suffolk Government website.
Days and session times must be the same each week and can not be swapped for other days/sessions.
Please note that fees are not subject to adjustment due to absence, illness, holidays, variations etc.
Full time (weekly fees) - Mon to Fri:
Daily fees:
Hourly fee (minimum of 3 hours per session):
Morning session (3 hours):
Afternoon session (3 hours):
£263.55 (under twos)
£231.53 (two year olds)
£220.50 (3 year olds+)
£60.64 (under twos)
£49.35 (two year olds)
£47.00 (3 year olds+)
£22.60 (3 year olds+)
£21.40 (3 year olds+)
A deposit is required if booking in advance for your child. The deposit will be one weeks childcare, which will be deducted from your first month's childcare payment. This deposit is non-refundable should the place be cancelled prior to your child attending the nursery.
Deposits are not needed for funding only children.​
We give a sibling discount of 8% for two or more children (full time places only). Please ask for details.
Family Tax Credit - Most parents can claim family tax credit to help with childcare costs. Go to www.direct.gov.uk to find out if you’re eligible.
Fees are calculated on a yearly basis, so that you always pay the same amount each month.
The cost of the number of days a week that your child attends will be multiplied by 49 (there are 52 weeks in the year). This gives you 3 free weeks, meaning you are not paying for bank holidays or the week we close at Christmas. This figure will then be divided by 12 (there are 12 months in the year) to give equal monthly payments, which are due to us on or before the 4th of each month. Please pay fees by Standing Order, Bank Transfer, card payment or via your childcare account. We no longer accept cheques. ​
Please note that if fees have not been paid by the 4th, we will have to refuse you entry. This is due to the fact of parents leaving us without paying the fees.
If your child’s day of attendance doesn’t fall on the 4th you can always pay beforehand or set up a direct debit, because if fees are late due to any reason a £30.00 administration fee will be charged.
Please try to give at least one months notice when leaving Greenhays.
Please note fees are increased annually, usually around April time.